Here’s what you might see your baby doing between the ages of 2 and 4 months.
Daily Activities
- Crying gradually becomes less frequent.
- Shows greater variety of emotions: distress, excitement, delight.
- Sleeps for longer periods during the night.
- Smiles, gurgles and coos, particularly when talked to.
- Shows more distress when an adult leaves.
- Quiets down when held or talked to.
- Does not think things exist if they cannot be seen, touched, or tasted.
- Focuses better, but still no more than 12 inches.
- Follows objects by moving head from side to side.
- Prefers things that are brightly colored.
- Knows the difference between male and female voices.
- Knows the difference between angry and friendly voices.
Motor Skills
- Moves more smoothly.
- Lifts chest for a short time when lying on tummy.
- Holds head steady when held or seated with support.
- Discovers hands and fingers.
- Grasps with more control.
- May bat at dangling objects with entire body.
Each child is unique. Some behaviors and physical milestones tend to happen at certain ages, but a wide range of growth and behavior for each age is normal. It is natural for a child to reach some milestones earlier and other milestones later than the general trend.
If you have any concerns about your child’s own pattern of development, check with your healthcare provider.
Last modified: 2009-10-29
Last reviewed: 2011-03-08